How Will Your Backup System Perform?
Is your support system, particularly the battery—the heart of the system—expertly maintained? Does your maintenance personnel, whether in-house or contracted, know the subtle signs of impending trouble?
Load testing is an important diagnostic tool for battery maintenance. It is used to project capital expenditures and determine the actual capacity and proper equipment function. Load testing should be performed within two years of installation, and every five years thereafter.
Will your battery provide the needed protection time it was designed for?
When should you budget for a new battery?
Does your equipment work properly when the battery decreases below a set voltage?
Is your battery, providing the capacity claimed by the manufacturer?
Is your present maintenance program providing adequate care?
Load testing can be looked upon as a cost effective way of determining the life of your battery, helping you plan for future purchases. If a battery’s capacity is determined to be less than 85% of the manufacturers rating, replacement should be considered. Load tests can be performed using the customer’s load or portable load bank.